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posts tagged with "press release"

In representation of O21CD "Indian Scientists" Led by Dr. Vijay Bhatkar appreciated HRCM Nanotechnology in press conference at "Itar Tass" St. Petersburg, Russia

The press conference held at St. Petersburg at 'Itar Tass' was addressed by all the scientists of the delegation and Mr. Nilesh Neel. Mr. Nilesh Neel has put together the latest technologies under one roof, O21CD. The O21CD, an Original 21st century discovery is an initiative to bring together all the innovative technologies from diverse fields under one roof, comprising: ecological homes, Pure Water, sports development and literature academy

The official media reports covering in details of Lesgaft delegation visit to Goa for Sports development

The visit has given practical understandings and clear picture of the current scenario of Goa sports infrastructure. The physiological tests, tours of sports facilities and infrastructure, presentations and direct interactions of delegation with Goan schools over the 7 days has given depth understanding of how to launch the project in Goa also Goa university plans MoU with Lesgaft.